At BASIC/DEPT® we were tasked with building a new dot com for Ocean Spray. It was rolled out to the US and Canada first, followed by other countries around the world.
Initially, my role was to lead the internationalization work using the Next.js App Router and middleware. Some complexities we needed to solve for was routing by top-level-domain, as well as language (or no language, where the default for a locale was shown instead).
This allowed us to deploy all localized versions of the site to one environment, instead of each region or country being deployed separately, saving time and effort.
For content management, Contentful was used, implementing translations using both field level and entry level localization. I created content migration scripts, migrating content from spreadsheets to Contentful using the Content Management API.
I also lead the initial creation of components from the design system. Design tokens were implemented using Style Dictionary and components were visualized and tested in Storybook.
This project was also built using a project accelerator framework that I was the lead developer on. By using it we cut the project setup time down from a couple of weeks to a couple of days, which allowed us to get started quickly on implementing the design system as primitives and other reusable components.